The Choi FUG (follicular unit grafting) hair restoration method is a surgical procedure aiming at restoring completely naturally the hair from the head, using the patient’s existing hair.
The Choi FUG technique is a relatively simple procedure, whereby an elliptical skin strip, containing the proper amount and quality of existing hairs, is extracted from the donor area, usually from the back of the scalp.
from €1.700
for this procedure!
About Hair Transplantation
The Choi FUG (follicular unit grafting) hair restoration method is a surgical procedure aiming at restoring completely naturally the hair from the head, using the patient’s existing hair.
The Choi FUG technique is a relatively simple procedure, whereby an elliptical skin strip, containing the proper amount and quality of existing hairs, is extracted from the donor area, usually from the back of the scalp.
With the help of a stereoscope, the strip is then dissected into follicular units (1-hair, 2-hair and 3-hair follicular units). Then, after making incisions in the selected area, the doctor transplants those follicular units, which form the new healthy hair roots. This results in the completely natural thickening and restoration of the hair on the head.
The Choi implanter allows the grafts to be transplanted very closely together and with the necessary thickness. Thus, the results will be extremely natural, even after the very first visit to the clinic, always depending, though, on the donor area (elasticity and thickness).
The Choi method for hair restoration is now internationally accepted as the top technique in the treatment of premature hair loss.
This method was awarded the first prize for the Best Procedure and the first prize for the Best Results in Italy.
Useful Facts
- Length of surgery: 2 h- 4 h
- Anesthesia: Local
- Duration of Hospitalization: ODC (one-day clinic)
- Return to normal activities: In a few days (2-3)
- Postoperative care: – First dressing change on the second postoperative day – Application of antibiotic ointment on the operated area – Washing on the fourth day – Stitches removed, depending on the area, from the fifth to the seventh day